Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Why You Need Credit Monitor Services

Identity thieves can use your personal information to run up charges on your credit card or even drain your bank account. The reality is that anyone can be a victim. But being prepared can greatly minimize your risk and make it harder for identity thieves to steal your information.

This is where credit monitor services come in as they offer effective protection against identity theft. The following is why you need these services and how you can benefit.

1. Credit Monitoring
Identity thieves use personal information for financial gain. The most obvious sign of identity theft is any suspicious activity on a bank statement or credit report. Examples include charges from unfamiliar companies or new accounts in your name.

This is why you must monitor credit scores. Identity protection services offer credit monitoring and provide alerts for certain changes. You also get regular updates so you can stay on top of your credit score.

2. Identity Monitoring
Most services only offer credit monitoring but the best ones go a step further and monitor your personal information such as your name and social security number. This is particularly beneficial as you receive updates for certain types of activity connected to your information.

3. Personal Assistance
Identity thieves can attack at anytime.

And your credit can take a major hit. In the event that your identity gets stolen, you need to take immediate action but it can be confusing and overwhelming on what steps to take next. So what do you do?

Most credit monitoring services offer personal recovery assistance. What this means is that you get guidance on the steps you should take with your local police and lenders to recover your identity. The added sense of security you get is reason enough to take credit monitoring more seriously.

Some services also offer insurance to cover any expenses that occur as a result of identity theft. The amount typically varies depending on the services you choose. The price you pay for identity theft protection is small compared to the benefits that you get which are all listed here.

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